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A moving video message to mothers carrying a child with Down's syndrome

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Christian Concern is urging people to view and share a moving video aimed at encouraging mothers who are expecting a baby with Down's syndrome, and who may be considering an abortion. 

The video, by the campign #DearFutureMom, hears from 15 young people with Down's syndrome who describe how fulfilled their lives are and how they have added to the happiness of their families.

Spearheaded by the Italian National Coordination Associations of people with Down's syndrome (CoorDown), the film went on YouTube this week and attracted more than half a million hits within four days.

View the encouraging message for mothers in support of the life of the unborn here > 

Additionally, a personal appeal has been made by Julia whose story is dedicated to all women who may be living with the pain and regret of having an abortion. Julia became a Christian after her tragic experience, and has dedicated herself to supporting the worldwide movement for a prohibition on all abortions.  Watch her tell her story here >