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Pro-life group banned from Dundee University Freshers’ Fayre

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A pro-life organisation has been banned from holding a stall at Dundee University’s Freshers’ Fayre following allegations that its campaigns were 'contrary to the university's constitution'.

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) was told it could not attend the event, where it intended to distribute its literature to students, due to its “highly offensive” campaign material.

The Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) also accused SPUC of engaging in ‘extreme behaviour’, but no evidence has been provided by DUSA against the group to back its claims.

SPUC Scotland’s Rachel Kidd said DUSA quoted several sections of its Constitution against SPUC, but none of those sections contained anything opposed by SPUC. 

She added: “DUSA has been asked to back up with evidence its claim of extreme behaviour by SPUC at Freshers’ Fayres, but has failed to provide any evidence.

“From 2005 onwards, SPUC held a stall at Freshers’ Fayre for eight consecutive years without any problems. The stall simply offered factual information on the development of the unborn child and real help to women who may find themselves in a crisis pregnancy situation.

Miss Kidd concluded: “DUSA makes a great deal of noise about being fair and unprejudiced towards groups with differing views. SPUC’s effectiveness in communicating the pro-life message on campus seems to have provoked DUSA to treat SPUC in an unfair and biased way.”

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