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Three-parent babies may only be two years away

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The possibility that Britain could be the first country in the world to allow the creation of ‘three parent’ babies moved a step closer this week.

A review of scientific evidence commissioned by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) concluded that there was no evidence that it would be unsafe to proceed although it called for further tests to be undertaken.

Two years

One member of the panel said that he thought that two years "is not a bad estimation" of when the first  procedures could take place.

The results of a wider consultation recently undertaken by the HFEA are expected in the coming months. However, the Government has already indicated its intention, in principle, to proceed. Last year, Professor Dame Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer, said: “It’s only right that we look to introduce this life-saving treatment as soon as we can.”

The techniques (see here and here) are presented as a means of tackling Mitochondrial disease. It is possible that the Government will take action as early this Autumn to permit them, so allowing the creation of 3 parent children.

Huge concerns

However, huge ethical and safety concerns remain.

The chair of the panel, Professor Andy Greenfield, recognised that safety is "not a straightforward issue" and went on to say “Are these techniques safe in humans? We won’t actually know that until its actually done in humans.”

In our response to the HFEA’s consultation, Christian Concern underlined that the techniques involve genetic modification that would be passed on to future generations. We also highlighted warnings that the experiments could result in children being born with birth defects worse than the mitochondrial disease that is the intended target.

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live last week, before the Scientific Review was published, Andrea explained: "Of course we have immense compassion for those who suffer from horrible conditions. But what we’re talking about here is a very high risk situation for the individuals concerned, indeed a high risk to the human race. 

"There’s absolutely no guarantee, or indication of success or improvement, if this particular technique is used and this is where we’ve got to be very careful."  Listen to the interview here >

 Last week Fiona Bruce MP and Josephine Quintavalle of Comment on Reproductive Ethics have also spoken to BBC Radio, highlighting the problems with the proposals.

Listen to Fiona Bruce MP speaking to Radio 4’s Today programme here >

Listen to Josephine Quintavalle speaking to BBC Radio Cumbria here >

Read Christian Concern's response to the recent HFEA consultation on plans for "three parent babies" by clicking here >

For guidance for Christians considering IVF we recommend this booklet from CMF.