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Islamist hardliners imposed "intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos" at Birmingham schools

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The final in a series of reports on the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by Islamist school governors and teachers to take over several schools in Birmingham, has revealed that City Council officials had failed to take action despite being aware of the plot two years ago. 

Former counter-terrorism chief, Peter Clarke, reported this week that as a result of the cover-up, teachers at the centre of the scandal were still keeping their jobs. His report says council officials ”failed to intervene appropriately” because they feared offending the Muslim community.

Mr Clarke revealed that teachers forced out of three schools at the centre of the Trojan Horse investigation were prevented from raising concerns because of gagging agreements. 

A former staff member at a school involved in the scandal told the BBC that compromise agreements were being routinely used to silence teachers who were being forced out of their jobs. The teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, “It’s quite clear what the compromise agreement says. It’s clear that I should not speak out about it to anybody or show the agreement to anybody.”

The new Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, told the House of Commons that teachers involved in allowing extremism in the Birmingham schools will face misconduct hearings in the light of Mr Clarke’s report.

Read more (Telegraph) >

In the wake of the inquiry, Sharia expert, Sam Solomon, co-founder of Christian Concern, said that evidence of the alleged 'plot' to apply Islamic laws in schools should ring a “warning bell” about the strategic aim that drives Islam – the imposition of sharia throughout British society.

He warned that Britain must safeguard its value system against an on-going plan by Islamists to subjugate the British way of life to sharia.  Read his full piece here >

For books by Sam Solomon which will help understand Islam, visit our shop here >

Titles include "Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration Accepting freedom or imposing Islam?" (illustrated) and "A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding".

Other books by Sam Solomon are available on Amazon here >