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The Wilberforce Academy experience: raising the next generation of Christian leaders

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The 5th Wilberforce Academy, run by Christian Concern, was held last week with 70 young delegates participating in a three-day learning and networking event aimed at equipping the next generation of Christian leaders.

International speakers addressed the main issues facing Christians in public life today, and included Dr Peter Jones, founder of truthXchange, Jefferey Ventrella and Jordan Lorence, both of the Alliance Defending Freedom, Dr Joe Boot, founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity and Dr Peter Saunders, Chief Executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship.

Lectures, talks and interactive discussions allowed young delegates from all parts of the UK, Europe, Africa and the United States to question leading Christian theologians and lawyers about their interests and concerns.

The Academy provides follow-up events and support to enable delegates to nurture network contacts and to develop as Christian leaders able to engage in the public sphere.

Andrea Williams of Christian Concern said: "If ever there were a need for Christian leaders in our land it is now and the Wilberforce Academy has and will continue to help raise up the next generation of Christian leaders.

"This year's intake brought together some of the brightest, most able and dedicated young Christians of their generation who are eager to learn more about how to speak of the person and promise of Jesus Christ in public life.

"It has been thrilling to meet each one and witness their dedication to play their part in advancing the Kingdom of God by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all that they do."

Watch highlights from the Wilberforce Academy 2014 >