Izzy Montague

Izzy Montague faced victimisation after she raised concern about her son’s primary school promoting LGBT issues to children as young as four and five.

Izzy Montague was one of many parents who raised concern when her son’s primary school began promoting LGBT issues to children as young as five, not allowing parents to opt their children out. When she met with the school’s executive headteacher, another teacher attending the meeting wore a t-shirt with the provocative message: “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?”

Parents also say that they were misled with incorrect statements of law when they challenged the school on the issue of the Pride event. Izzy launched legal action against the school on the grounds of direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation and a failure by the school to uphold its statutory duty.

Izzy said, “It was like being bullied. They stopped treating me like any other parent but were antagonistic towards me. I believe that they retaliated against me by unreasonably excluding me from the premises, victimising my child and not taking my safeguarding concerns seriously.”

In April 2023, the County Court ruled against Izzy, who will appeal the decision.

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