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Family and Sexual Ethics

The family is the most foundational building block for society. The loving union of one man and one woman is the normal God-given context for children to be born and raised. This pattern for married life has been under attack for all of human history. Divorce, homosexuality and transsexualism are three of the most significant challenges to God’s pattern for family in today’s society.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27


  • April 25th, 2019
    This month, the government of the Cayman Islands won the right to appeal a Supreme Court judgment which would introduce gay ‘marriage’. But the push for same-sex ‘marriage’ appears to be global. Carys Moseley comments on the threat it poses to traditional marriage and Christianity.
  • April 12th, 2019
    The Times recently reported on the resignation of several clinicians from the Gender Identity Service, with claims that the clinic was essentially experimenting on vulnerable children by pushing them into ‘gender transitioning’. Carys Moseley argues that while the debate on the ethics of gender reassignment is opening up, not enough is being done to get to the real truth of the matter.
  • April 11th, 2019
    Rebekah Moffett, communications officer at Christian Concern, comments on the recent findings by the think tank, Centre for Social Justice, which have revealed that the UK is a ‘world leader’ in family breakdown.
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